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Administrative Unit Assessment

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Academic and Educational Support Review Process

Ocean County College conducts periodic assessments of the effectiveness of programs supporting the student experience through the Academic and Educational Support (AES) Review Process. The purpose of this assessment is to ensure that non-academic units undergo a comprehensive, systematic, and rigorous evaluation regularly. The emphasis of the review is upon analysis of the unit’s contribution to the college’s mission and goals, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, innovation, and description of services offered. The five-year review will also include a summary of assessment results with emphasis on how these results have been used to improve the unit’s effectiveness.

Planning and Budget Council Review Process

Assessment is an ongoing activity that is expected to be part of each department’s annual activities and plans and is reported in the annual Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) document. All departments articulate planning objectives that are clearly stated, assessed appropriately, and linked to mission and goal achievement. The PBC process ensures planning, resources, and improvements are aligned with each other and are sufficient for the institution to fulfill its mission and goals, continuously assess and improve its programs and services, and respond effectively to opportunities and challenges.


The Planning and Budgeting Process allows administrative units to review their mission and goals, articulate their planning objectives for the upcoming fiscal year, provide updates to past planning objectives, and to submit new money requests.

The Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) serves to link the planning and budgeting processes and to evaluate new money requests from units and divisions. The PBC is co-chaired by the Controller and Executive Director of Institutional Planning, Effectiveness, and Compliance.

The council consists of standing positions drawn from the college leadership as well as volunteers from the various constituencies of the college. A call for volunteers is sent out annually during the Spring Semester to fill vacant positions, volunteers are asked to serve for two years.

Co-chairPermanentAdjunct/Faculty/LecturerTwo Year
Co-chairPermanentFaculty/LecturersTwo Year
EVPPermanentFaculty/LecturersTwo Year
VP e-LearningPermanentFaculty/LecturersTwo Year
VPSAPermanentFaculty/LecturersTwo Year
VPAAPermanentAdministratorTwo Year
Co-Chair, GCPermanentAdministratorTwo Year
M/TTwo YearAdministratorTwo Year
M/TTwo YearSupport StaffTwo Year

PBC members are charged with reviewing all of the Unit planning documents, attending meetings with each Unit, and making recommendations on new budget requests to the Presidents Leadership Team (PLT).

The PBC meets in person approximately 6-9 times in the fall beginning in September. October is the busiest month with approximately 2 meetings per week, each of which will be 1.5-2 hours.

PBC Members are asked to rank new money requests using the criteria below.

  • Connection to the college’s vision, mission, and strategic plan
  • Betterment of the quality of the students’ experience at 365球赛平台
  • Number of students served
  • Justification in unit planning document
  • VP’s ranking of item
  • Cost effectiveness
  • Single or continuing impact on the budget
  • Innovation or enhancement of existing program
  • Suitability of the program to the institution’s effectiveness

Planning and Budgeting Council General Timeline

MarchPlanning template sent to unit leaders
AprilCall for volunteers for vacant and expired positions
JulyUnit leaders submit plans to area VP; (VPs must review, vet, and prioritize each submission)
AugustArea VPs submit vetted and prioritized planning documents to PBC co-chairs
OctoberPlanning Documents sent to PBC for review
October – NovemberPBC meets with unit representative to review documents
November – DecemberPBC votes on new money requests
JanuaryRecommendations reviewed by Presidents Leadership Team
January – FebruaryBudget approval by Board of Trustees
February – AprilBoard of School Estimates
MarchPBC prioritization decisions sent to units
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